Old Favorites

I imagine that most of you, like me, miss hearing your old favorite songs. I’m talking about the classics like “I’ve Got Tears In My Ears From Lying On My Back, Crying Over You.” And, a couple of my special favorites are “If You See Me Getting Smaller, I’m Leavin’” and “When I Get Done Leavin, I’ll Be Gone.”

Dave Thomas


This is Bugging Me

Have you ever seen a bed bug? If yes, was the bed bug on a bed? Have you ever seen a bed bug any place else? If we buy sheets and blankets, do they come with bed bugs in residence? Do bed bugs eat our sheets and blankets? If no, then what do they eat? I’ve never seen a bed bug but know that sometimes it’s necessary to put aside the world’s problems and think about things a little closer to home.

Dave Thomas


Can’t Help Wondering

Reminds Me

The Russian military has long been known as the Red Army. The color, red, and the misguided leadership remind me of the Republican party.

Making America Great Again

If Trump really wants to make America great again, he should pack up and leave.

Is There Any Shame?

When the Republicans stonewall the press or parrot Trump’s lies, do they look in the mirror and then throw up?

Don’t Give Up

I hate writing this kind of stuff, but we all need to speak up. The country is in grave danger from Trump and his followers.

Dave Thomas


Thoughts About Different Stuff

-Hey, Bubba-  

Hey, Bubba, the dumbing down of America isn’t happening fast enough. Let’s ban some books and see if we can speed up the process.

-Went to Plan B

Governor Abbott of Texas wears cowboy boots because he never learned to tie his shoes. Governor DeSantis of Florida wears loafers for the same reason. (Unless Ron is wearing white go-go boots to supposedly inspect flood damage.)

-What’s next?

Abbott and DeSantis are doing their best to get women under control. Their next trick will probably be mandatory hair coverings. Lipstick will be okay if a veil is worn to cover it? Aren’t female athletes in Florida already required to track their menstrual cycles?

-Native Americans

After screwing them over and also calling them “Indians” for a few hundred years, I thought we were on the right track by calling them “Native Americans.” After all, they are the native Americans, the real Americans, and the rest of us are late-coming interlopers. Now, however, there is a new effort to erase their true identities by calling them “indigenous people.” The talking heads on TV like to use alternative words because it makes them sound more intelligent, but let’s put a stop to this. There is enough divisiveness nowadays without us creating more by minimizing a people.

Dave Thomas
